
The Analytics Edge

Instructors - Bikramjit Das, Stefano Galelli

Course Overview

Grading Component Weightage (%)
Mid-Term Test (Week 6) 30
Competition (Week 13) 38
Final Test (Week 14) 30
Course Feedback Completion 2

Course timetable

Week Description
1 Introduction to Analytics and the Software R with Visualization.
Recall: Statistical tests, tools.
2 Method: Linear Regression
Predicting the quality and prices of wine (Wine analytics)
Moneyball (Sports analytics)
3 Method: Logistic Regression
Predicting the failure of space shuttles (Challenger)
Predicting the risk of coronary heart disease (Framingham Heart Study)
4 Method: Multinomial Logit and Mixed Logit in Discrete Choice
Predicting the Academy Award winners (Oscars)
Estimating the preference for safety features in cars
5 Methods: Big Data and Analytics: Model Selection
Baseball (Sports) Cross-country growth regressions (Economics)
6 Review and Test (23 October, Wednesday, 2-4 pm)
7 Break
8 Method: Classification and Regression Trees (CART), Random Forests
Forecasting Supreme Court Decisions (Law)
9 Method: Logistic Regression, CART, Random Forests in Text Analytics
Twitter (Social media), Enron (Email)
10 Method: Clustering, Collaborative and Content Filtering
Netflix, MovieLens (Recommendation systems)
11 Method: Singular Value Decomposition, Censored Data
Photos, Netflix, Redbook (Marital), Stanford Heart Transplant (Healthcare)
12 Method: Optimization
Revenue Management, Capstone Allocation
13 Review and Competition
14 Test

General procedures

Pre-flight checklist

Make sure you can import these libraries in R notebook.

library(e1071) # Naive Bayes
library(flexclust) # for finals


If you cannot, please panic.

Common errors

Please remember the . when you are training against the rest of the data. responsive~.,

GLM requires you to put family='binomial'

Do not train on the test data. Please copy correctly.

Adjusted R-squared is not R-squared, please ask the examiners.

Helper functions

To understand a function, use ? to read the offline documentation. To understand an object, use attributes(x) to see the attributes.

For MacOS Refer to the the ‘Run’ option on the top right of this window to see the shortcut related to running and restarting the cell.

Header to specify html-knitting output and remove environment variables

  html_document: default


Introduction to statistics

R-squared - higher better Adjusted R-squared - higher better **AIC - lower better ** Likelihood - higher better Loglikehilood - higher better Negative loglikelihood (logloss?) - lower better KL divergence - zero the same, higher more different

Basics of R

A dataframe is not a matrix. A dataframe may have named or unnamed columns. A vector is not a column. Can a vector have named values? Can a matrix have named values?

Common functions

# (X, MARGIN, FUN), MARGIN = row or columns
# data(iris); tapply(iris$Sepal.Width, iris$Species, median)
coef() # extract coefficient from linear models

Numerical functions

pmax(arr,arz)  # take maximum element-wise
arr > 3  # you can implement element-wise logical check
# colMeans() # calculate the mean of each column?
cor(matrix[,COL_S:COL_E]) # counts number of NA
mean() # R has this function, ignores NA values

Type casting

z <- c(0:9)
class(z)  # prints class
as.numeric(z)  # casts into float?

z1 <- c("a","b","d")
w <- as.character(z1)
as.integer(w)  # returns array of NA

as.factor(w)  # required for classification models


The matrix operations may require some explanation.


You are unlikely to do this, you are likely to load csv files.

CELG <- data.frame(names=c("barack","serena"),
# append to dataframe
CELG$spouse <- c("michelle","alexis")

# use negative signs to exclude columns or rows
test_2 <- df_2[-trainid_2,]

Statisitical testing

t.test(oscars$Nom[oscars$PP==1 & oscars$Ch==1],
       oscars$Nom[oscars$PP==1 & oscars$Ch==0],
       alternative = clib("greater"))


# date configuration
base::as.Date(32768, origin = "1900-01-01")

# to remove intercept, fit to -1
MPP2 <- mlogit(Ch~Nom+Dir+GG+PGA-1, data=D1)


You need to preprocess the data.

Data reading

poll <- read.csv("AnonymityPoll.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# consider stringsAsFactors
summary(poll)  # 7-figure summary of every column
str(poll)  # see some data

table(poll$Smartphone)  # freqency in a column
summary(poll$Smartphone)  # 7-figure summary of a column

# freqency matrix of two columns
table(poll$Internet.Use, poll$Smartphone)

# find the mean of the first value depending on second

# count number of NA in a column

Data manipulation

# remove rows with any (?) NA variables
hitters = na.omit(hitters)

# obtain a subset
limited <- subset(poll, poll$Internet.Use == 1)

# obtain a subset without a column
eg1 <- subset(eg,select=-c(Country))

# obtain a subset with 'or' logic operator
limited <- subset(poll, poll$Internet.Use == 1|
                        poll$Smartphone == 1)

# row subset
# column subset

Combining dataframes

To combine dataframes one after another row, and fill empty cells.

combined <- rbind.fill(train, test)

To combine dataframes beside one another and fill empty cells.

combined_features <- within(combined, rm(tweet, Id))

Train-test split

Please do it correctly and not lose two subgrades.


# train-test split, stratified
split <- sample.split(framing1$TENCHD,SplitRatio=0.65)
training <- subset(framing1,split==TRUE)
test <- subset(framing1,split==FALSE)

SongsTrain <- subset(songs, songs$year<=2008)
SongsTest <- subset(songs, songs$year==2009 | songs$year==2010)

Cross validation

Week 5b

Simpler models often tend to work better for out-of-sample predictions and so we will penalize models for excessive model complexity.

With the increase in computational power, we can partition the data set into training, validation and test sets and conduct model assessment and selection.

Types of validation

Defining the folds.

train <- train[sample(nrow(train)),]  
# shuffle training set

val_idxx <- list()
trn_idxx <- list()

for (i in 1:NUM_FOLDS) {
    val_idx = c(((i-1)*22500/NUM_FOLDS+1):(i*22500/NUM_FOLDS))
    val_idxx[[i]] <- val_idx
    trn_idx <- c(0:((i-1)*22500/NUM_FOLDS),(i*22500/NUM_FOLDS+1):(22500+1))
    trn_idx <- trn_idx[-length(trn_idx)][-1]

    trn_idxx[[i]] <- trn_idx

Accessing the folds

for (i in 1:NUM_FOLDS) {
    trn_idx <- trn_idxx[[i]]
    val_idx <- val_idxx[[i]]
    # and so on ...

Data visualization

Most likely not tested in exams.

# plot a histogram

# scatter plot
plot(limited$Age, limited$Info.On.Internet)

# scatter plot with jitter

# star plot
stars(swiss, key.loc = c(18,2))

Assorted plots


# plot histogram
ggplot(data = Parole, aes(x = Age)) + 
# plot histogram with specified bin width and start point
# closed refer to whether the interval is closed
ggplot(data = Parole, aes(x = Age)) +
# bar plot
bar <- ggplot(WHO) + 
  geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = Region, fill = Region), 
           show.legend = FALSE, width = 1) + 
  theme(aspect.ratio = 1) + 
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL)
bar  # to show plot

# plot with flipped coordinates, and polar plot
bar + coord_flip()
bar + coord_polar()

Scatter plots

# many scatter plot
a <- ggplot(WHO, aes(x=GNI, y=FertilityRate))
a + geom_point(na.rm=T) + facet_wrap(.~Region)

# loess interpolation with confidence
a + geom_point(na.rm=T) + geom_smooth(na.rm=T)

# loess interpolation, continent represented with color
acol <- ggplot(WHO,
               aes(x=GNI, y=FertilityRate, color=Region))
acol + geom_point(na.rm=T)
acol + geom_point(na.rm=T) + geom_smooth(na.rm=T)

# scatter plot with attributed represented with size

# plot scatterplot matrix
ggplot(wine, aes(VINT,LPRICE)) + 
  pairs.panels(wine, ellipses=F, breaks=10, 

# scatterplot with hvlines demarcating means
           color=cut(LPRICE,c(-Inf,-1.42,Inf)))) + 
  geom_point(na.rm=T) + 
  scale_color_discrete(name = "LPRICE",
                       labels = c("< mean(LPRICE)",
                                  "> mean(LPRICE)")) +
             color="blue",lwd=1) +

# scatterplot with jitter
ggplot(orings[orings$Field>=0,],aes(Temp,Field)) + 
  geom_point(na.rm=T) +

Result analysis

After the prediction is made, we want to evaulate numbers for example.

Deciding with probabilities

# if you have result from K-fold
pred_test_class <- c()

for (i in 1:nrow(pred_test_matrix)){
    class_with_max_prob <- names(pred_test_matrix[i,][pred_test_matrix[i,] == max(pred_test_matrix[i,])])[[1]]
    pred_test_class <- append(pred_test_class, class_with_max_prob)
    if (length(pred_test_class) != i){print(i)}

Confusion matrices

Names Predict = 0 Predict = 1
Actual = 1 False Negative (FN) True Positive (TP)
Actual = 0 True Negative (TN) False Positive (FP)


Name Alt Name Formula
False Positive Rate Type I error $\frac{FP}{FP+TN}$
True Negative Rate Specificity $\frac{TN}{FP+TN} = \frac{TN}{N}$
True Positive Rate Sensitivity, Recall $\frac{TP}{TP+FN} = \frac{TP}{P}$
False Negative Rate Type II error $\frac{FN}{TP+FN}$
Precision   $\frac{TP}{TP + FP}$
Compiled measures    
Overall Accuracy   $\frac{TP+TN}{FP + FN + TP + TN}$
ROC Curve Plot TPR against FPR  

Wikipedia reference


Evaluation Metrics

caret::confusionMatrix(as.factor(predictLog_train > 0.5),

# please ensure correct order
CM = table(predictforest,test$rev)
# predictforest  0  1
#             0 47 21
#             1 35 81
Accuracy = (CM[1,1]+CM[2,2])/sum(CM)
Accuracy # 0.6956522 vs 0.7119565
BaseAccuracy =  (sum(CM[1:2,1]))/sum(CM)
BaseAccuracy # or flip it
Sensitivity = (CM[1,1])/sum(CM[1:2,1])
Specificity = (CM[2,2])/sum(CM[1:2,2])

Recevier Operating Curve

Probably you should write an analysis procedure given predicted probs and actual binary.

# even shorter function names are advisable
# but we can be explicit in this document
accuracy <- function(predict_object, data, threshold=0.5) {
  return(sum(diag(table(predict_object >= threshold, data))) /
           sum(table(predict_object >= threshold, data)))
auc <- function(predict_object, data) {
  prediction_obj <- prediction(predict_object, data)
  perf_obj <- performance(prediction_obj, measure = "auc")

# ROCR method to obtain predicted probs and actual labels
ROCRpred <- prediction(Pred[1:138],orings$Field[1:138])
# ROCR method to plot ROC curve
ROCRperf <- performance(ROCRpred,x.measure="fpr",measure="tpr")
plot(ROCRperf)  # simple plot

# Calculate area under curve (AUC)

Predictive Models I

You will train a predictive model on training data, use the model to generate predictions on the test data (and check for accuracy if possible).

These model should have already been tested in the midterms and will not be tested in the finals.

All methods should have a prediction function. For classification models you need to specify whether you want the class (binary) or response (probability).

pred_1_p <- predict(tree_1_o_2, newdata = test_1, type = "class")

Linear regression

Week 2

Method Linear Regression
Target Number
Model \(y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + ... + \epsilon_i\)
Loss Mean square error
Quality of fit R-square
Adjusted R-square
Examples Wine prices and quality
Baseball batting average
Comments Choose only the statistically significant variables
This cannot predict binary objectives./
# fitting linear model
model1  <- lm(LPRICE~VINT+HRAIN,
confint(model7, level=0.99)  # see confidence interval

# predicting values with model
pred <- predict(model1,
                type="response")  # not sure if correct


Logistic Regression

Week 3

Method Logistic Regression
Target Binary
Model \(P(y_i = 1) = \dfrac{1}{1+e^{-(\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + ...+ \epsilon_i )}}\)
Loss \(LL(\beta) \\ = \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{k=1}^2 y_{ik} \log \left( P(y_{ik} = 1) \right)\\= \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{k=1}^2 y_{ik} \log \left( \dfrac{e^{\beta' x_{ik}}} {\sum_{l=1}^k e^{\beta' x_{il}}} \right)\)
Explanation $x \log (x’)$, sum over $x=1$ and $x=0$ (elaborate)
Quality of fit \(AIC = -2LL(\hat{\beta}) + 2(p+1)\)
Confusion matrix
Examples Space shuttle failures
Risk of heart disease
# fitting logisitic model (family = binomial)
model3 <- glm(Field~Temp+Pres,

# predicting probabilities with model
Pred <- predict(model4,


Multinomial Logit

Week 4a

Method Multinomial Logit  
Target n-choose-1  
Model $$P(y_{ik} = 1 { \text{options} }) = \dfrac{e^{\beta’ x_{ik}}} {\sum_{l=1}^k e^{\beta’ x_{il}}}$$
Loss \(LL(\beta) \\ = \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{k=1}^K z_{ik} \log(P(y_{ik} = 1)) \\ = \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{k=1}^K z_{ik} \log \dfrac{e^{\beta' x_{ik}}} {\sum_{l=1}^k e^{\beta' x_{il}}}\)  
Explanation $z_{ik}$ is the training option from the dataset which is binary.
$x_{ik}$ is the characteristic of one training option considered. ($x_{il}$ is similar, but it includes the rest of the training option included in the choice).
You are tasked to provide $\beta’$ that maximises the log-likelihood.
The probability that option $k$ is chosen from a set of choices is $P(y_{ik} = 1)$, and this is a real number.
Quality of fit Log-likelihood
Confusion matrix
Likelihood ratio index \(=1-\frac{LL(\beta)}{LL(0)}\)
AIC $=-2LL(\beta) + 2p$
Examples Academy Award winners  
Comment Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives - adding in a third alternative does not change the ratio of probabilities of two existing choxwices. (Probably it still does affect the training process?)  
# (on data with the multiple choices over different rows)
# extracting data
D1 <-, Year <=2006), 
                  alt.var = "Mode")

# fitting multinomial logistic model
MPP2 <- mlogit(Ch~Nom+Dir+GG+PGA-1, data=D1)

# predicting probabilities with model
D1_new <-, Year==2007), 
Predict2 <- predict(MPP2, newdata=D1_new)
# (on data with the multiple choices on one row)
# extracting data
S <-, Task<=12), 
                 # this is "wide"-form data, unlike Oscars
                 alt.levels=c("Ch1", "Ch2", "Ch3", "Ch4"),

# fitting multinomial logistic model
M <- mlogit(Choice~CC+GN+NS+BU+FA+LD+

# predicting probabilities with model 
# this is done on training data
# for test data, create a new with Task>12
P <- predict(M, newdata=S)

# constructing confusion matrix with predictions
ActualChoice <- subset(safety, Task<=12)[,"Choice"]
PredictedChoice <- apply(P,1,which.max)
Tabtrain=table(PredictedChoice, ActualChoice)

The willingness to pay can be observed from the survey, even though we do not directly ask the customers’ valuation.

Mixed Logit

Week 4b

Method Mixed Logit  
Target n-choose-1  
Model $$P(y_{ik} = 1 { \text{options} }) = ???$$
Loss ???  
Quality of fit Log-likelihood
Confusion matrix
Likelihood ratio index \(=1-\frac{LL(\beta)}{LL(0)}\)
AIC $=-2LL(\beta) + 2p$ (number of paramters is now double)
Prediction Preference of safety features  
Comment The data structure of safety feature options is different from the Academy Award. (elaborate)
You can also evaluate how much people will pay for a certain extra feature, without directly getting their evaluation. (explore)

Screen Shot 2019-10-14 at 03.23.48 AM

#(please prepare S, the as per 4a second part)

# fitting mixed logistic model
M1 <- mlogit(Choice~CC+GN+NS+BU+FA+LD+
             panel = TRUE, 

# predicting probabilities with model (with training data)
P1 <- predict(M1, newdata=S)

# constructing confusion matrix with predictions
PredictedChoice1 <- apply(P1, 1, which.max)
ActualChoice <- subset(safety, Task<=12)[,"Choice"]
Tabtrainmixed = table(PredictedChoice1, ActualChoice)

“The mixed logit model does a better job of predicting customers who are not interested in choosing any of the offered options compared to MNL.”


Week 5a

Method Linear Regression with Subset Selection
Target Number
Model \(y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + ... + \epsilon_i\)
Loss Mean square error
Quality of fit R-square
Adjusted R-square
Examples Wine prices and quality
Baseball batting average
Comments Choose only the statistically significant variables
This cannot predict binary objectives.

Feature selection, based on the adjusted R-value from linear regression.

# fitting linear model, exhaustive feature selection
model2 <- regsubsets(Salary~.,

# fitting linear model, exhaustive feature selection
model3 <- regsubsets(Salary~.,

# fitting linear model, exhaustive feature selection
model4 <- regsubsets(Salary~.,

# getting the coefficient of the best model with n params 

# heat map showing the best-n selected variables


Week 5b

Balance data fit (first term) with model complexity (second term) \(\underset{\beta}{min} \sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - \beta_0 - \beta_1 x_{î} - ... - \beta_p + x_{ip})^2 + \lambda \sum_{j=1}^p |\beta_j|\) The objective coefficient in LASSO is convex and tries to roughly promote sparsity.

Advantage of LASSO is that since it is convex, the local optimum is the global optimum.

Unfortunately, objective function is not differentiable unlike standard linear regression. But there are efficient ways to solve the problem to optimality.

Following is ridge regression. The issue with ridge regression is that it does not promote sparsity (i.e. reduce the number of variables in the model).

\[\underset{\beta}{min} \sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - \beta_0 - \beta_1 x_{î} - ... - \beta_p + x_{ip})^2 + \lambda \sum_{j=1}^p \beta_j^2\]

Elastic Net combines both penalities.

Method LASSO
Target Number
Model \(y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + ... + \epsilon_i\)
Loss \(\underset{\beta}{min} \sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - \beta_0 - \beta_1 x_{î} - ... - \beta_p + x_{ip})^2 + \lambda \sum_{j=1}^p\)
Quality of fit According to loss
Prediction Hitters
Comments Choose only the statistically significant variables
This cannot predict binary objectives.
# loading the dataset
X <- model.matrix(Salary~.,hitters)
y <- hitters$Salary

# train-test split
train <- sample(1:nrow(X),nrow(X)/2)
test <- -train

# fitting the lasso model with a specified schedule
modellasso <- glmnet(X[train,],y[train],lambda=grid)

# fitting the lasso model with a automatic grid
modellasso <- glmnet(X[train,],y[train],lambda=grid)

# show the plot of model lasso (please interpret)
# shows the value of the coefficient against L1 norm
plot(modellasso)           # plot against L1 Norm
plot(model4,xvar="lambda") # plot against lambda
model4$beta !=0            # plot with characters

# prediction (what is the difference?)
predictlasso1 <- predict(modellasso,
predictlasso1a <- predict(modellasso,

# calculation of mean square error

# does k-fold cross-validation for glmnet, 
# produces a plot
# returns a value for lambda
cvlasso <- cv.glmnet(X[train,],y[train])

Predictive Models II

Models that will be tested in finals.


Week 8

Method Classification and Regression Trees
Target Customisable
Model ?
Loss Does not attempt to find global minimum
Quality of fit ?
Prediction Supreme Court decision

# fitting with CART
cart1 <- rpart(rev~petit+respon+circuit+lctdir+issue+unconst,
# plot the tree
prp(cart1, type=4, extra=2)

Pruning the tree

# Display the cp table for model cart1
# We can also plot the relation between cp and error
# printcp() gives the minimal cp for which the pruning happens.
# plotcp() plots against the geometric mean

# print number of splits
unname(tail(tree_1_e$cptable[,2], 1))

# pruning the tree based on complexity parameter
cart2 <- prune(cart1,cp=0.01)
predictcart2 <- predict(cart2,newdata=test,type="class")
# predicting with CART
predictcart1_prob <- predict(cart1, newdata = test)
# AUC procedure
#pred_cart1 <- prediction(predictcart1[,2], test$rev)
#perf_cart1 <- performance(pred_cart1,
#                          x.measure="fpr",measure="tpr")

# to understand the options of rpart

As the optimisation for global minimum is not computationally feasible, we use a heuristic approach instead. \(\underset{\{R\}}{\min} \sum_{m=1}^M \sum_{i \in R_m} (y_i - \hat{y}_{R_M})^2\)

Start with all observations in one region.

Choose predictor and cut-point such that \(\underset{\{p\}}{\min} \underset{S}{\min} \left[ \sum_{i: x_{is} \leq S} (y_i - \hat{y}_{R_1})^2 + \sum_{i: x_{is} > S} (y_i - \hat{y}_{R_1})^2 \right]\)

or other metric of performance such as entropy.

Solve a sequence of locally optimal problems with exhaustive search. The cut point is one of the the data points, along one of the dimensions.

Repeat each branch iteratively. Exit the branch when one exit condition is met.

Note that all observations belong to a single sub-region beyond which greedy splits are made at each step without looking necessarily at the best split that might lead to a better tree in future steps (greedy strategy) - in other words, local optimum at each step may not provide the global optimum.

Bias variance trade-off

There is a trade-off between the model interpretability and performance on the training set.

To control the bias-variance trade-off (or, simply, the model complexity), CARTs use prepruning and pruning.


Breaking down the CART

When you print the model you get this guide

node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)
      * denotes terminal node

Following is the root node, with 434 points. If the leaf terminates here the absolute error is 195 points by predicting all 1s.

  1) root 434 195 1 (0.44930876 0.55069124) 

After the first split (lctdir=liberal) there are 205 points that belongs to this split.

If the leaf terminates there, the absolute error is 82 points by predicting all 0s.

     2) lctdir=liberal 205  82 0 (0.60000000 0.40000000)

After the first split (lctdir=conser) there are 229 points that belongs to this split.

If the leaf terminates there, the absolute error is 72 points by predicting all 1s.

     3) lctdir=conser  229  72 1 (0.31441048 0.68558952)  

Random Forests

Week 9

Method Random Forests
Target Customisable
Model ?
Loss Customisable
Quality of fit Customisable
Prediction Social media
Comments ?

Intuition of ensemble training - each person have different knowledge, and different logical framework. Individual trees may not be accurate (and are faster to train), but make the ensembled prediction is more accurate. (Analogy - Who Wants to be a Millionaire)

Sample the training dataset with replacement (boosting or bagging)

Training a tree in a forest is faster than training a CART because only a subset of predictors are used.


The training does not optimise the meta-parameters.

Downsides (compart to CART)


# set seed
# Build a forest of 200 trees, with leaves 5 observations in the terminal nodes

forest <- randomForest(as.factor(rev)~petit+respon+circuit+unconst+lctdir+issue, data=train, nodesize=5, ntree=200)
# remember to convert the target variable into a factor

# The prediction is carried out through majority vote (across all trees)
predictforest <- predict(forest, newdata = test, type="class")
table(predictforest, test$rev)

Which of the variables is the most important in terms of the number of splits?

vu <- varUsed(rf_1, count = TRUE)
vusorted <- sort(vu, decreasing = FALSE, index.return = TRUE)
dotchart(vusorted$x, names(rf_1$forest$xlevel[vusorted$ix]))

Which of the following variables is the most important in terms of mean reduction in impurity?

# forest$importance

Naive Bayes

Week 10

Method Naive Bayes’
Target Binary
Model ?
Loss ?
Quality of fit ?
Prediction ?
Comments Based on a (naive) hypothesis of conditional independence of the features

Bayes Theorem \(P(A|B) \cdot P(B) = P(B|A) \cdot P(A)\)

We now make a (naive) hypothesis of conditional independence of the features, that is, $x_i$ is conditionally independent of every other feature $x_j$ (with $i \neq j$).

# train the model
model3 <- naiveBayes(as.factor(responsive)~.,data=train)

# ???
# Y
# 0   1 
# 500  96 

# List tables for each predictor. For each numeric variable, it gives target class, mean and standard deviation.

# predict with model
predict3 <- predict(model3,newdata=test,type="class")


Collaborative Flitering

Week 10

Method Collaborative Flitering
Target Rating (regression)
Model ?
Loss RSME $= \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^u (r_{ui}-p_{ui})^2/u}$
Quality of fit ?
Prediction Recommendation Systems
Comments Objective of recommendation systems - accuracy, variety, updatable, computationally efficient

Essentially, take the average of the nearest 250 users, promixity is calculated by correleation.


Instead of clustering by genres, we can predict a user’s rating on a movie, with all the past ratings done by all the users.

We can calculate the similarity across different users (we only calculate for the obects that has been rated by both users).

Baseline predictions for a movie by a user

Predictive models

Dataset processing

To decrease storage and transfer size, we are usually given list of ratings. Each rating consists of the rater (user) and the rated (movie), and the score.

length(unique(ratings$userId))  # 706
length(unique(ratings$movieId)) # 8552
sort(unique(ratings$rating))    # 0.5 1.0 ... 5.0

We need to transform this into a spare matrix for our input. We first create an empty matrix and them populate it.

Data <- matrix(nrow=length(unique(ratings$userId)), ncol=length(unique(ratings$movieId)))

for(i in 1:nrow(ratings)){
       as.character(ratings$movieId[i])] <- ratings$rating[i]}

Train test split in a matrix

Type Movies  
Users Training data Data to make baseline prediction
  Data to make baseline prediction Test set
# We want to create a matrix with 
# spl1 + spl1c rows and spl2 + spl2c columns

spl1 <- sample(1:nrow(Data), 0.98*nrow(Data)) 
# spl1 has 98% of the rows
spl1c <- setdiff(1:nrow(Data),spl1)           
# spl1c has the remaining ones

spl2 <- sample(1:ncol(Data), 0.8*ncol(Data))  
# spl2 has 80% of the columns
spl2c <- setdiff(1:ncol(Data),spl2)           
# spl2c has the rest

# spl(s) are indices
length(spl1)  # 691
length(spl1c) # 15
length(spl2)  # 6841
length(spl2c) # 1711

We initialise the matrices to fill in our predictions. It should have the same dimension with our test set.

test_set <- Data[spl1c, spl2c]
Base1    <- matrix(nrow=length(spl1c), ncol=length(spl2c))
Base2    <- matrix(nrow=length(spl1c), ncol=length(spl2c))
UserPred <- matrix(nrow=length(spl1c), ncol=length(spl2c))

Baseline predictions

The predicted rating by each user on a movie is the average of all predictions on the movie. A movie will have the same prediction, by any user.

for(i in 1:length(spl1c))  
{Base1[i,] <- colMeans(Data[spl1,spl2c], na.rm=TRUE)}
# All rows (users) contain the same information

The predicted rating by a user on each movie is the average of all predictions by the user. A user will provide the same rating for all movies.

for(j in 1:length(spl2c)) 
{Base2[,j] <- rowMeans(Data[spl1c,spl2], na.rm=TRUE)}
# All columns (movies) contain the same information

Correlation model

Essentially, we are taking the average prediction of the nearest $N$ users. We first initialse a matrix to contain the correleation between each pair of users.

# Initialize matrices
Cor <- matrix(nrow=length(spl1),ncol=1) 
# keeps track of the correlation between users
Order <- matrix(nrow=length(spl1c), ncol=length(spl1)) 
# sort users in term of decreasing correlations

For each user, we calculate the correlation with all other users. Then each user will have a list of all (or most due to NAs) other user, ordered with decreasing correlation.

# The NAs account for users who have no common ratings of movies with the user.
for(i in 1:length(spl1c)){
  for(j in 1:length(spl1)){
      Cor[j] <- cor(Data[spl1c[i],spl2],
                    use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
  V <- order(Cor, decreasing=TRUE, na.last=NA)
  Order[i,] <- c(V, rep(NA, times=length(spl1)-length(V)))

The prediction of the user on a movie will be average of the nearest $N$ users. $N$ is a hyperparameter chosen by us.

# Now, we compute user predictions by looking at the 250 nearest neighbours and averaging equally over all these user ratings in the items in spl2c
for(i in 1:length(spl1c))
{UserPred[i,] <- colMeans(Data[spl1[Order[i,1:250]],spl2c], na.rm=TRUE)}    

Compare the model performance

We take the average of the squared difference with the test set.

RMSEBase1    <- sqrt(mean((Base1 - test_set)^2, na.rm=TRUE))
RMSEBase2    <- sqrt(mean((Base2 - test_set)^2, na.rm=TRUE))
RMSEUserPred <- sqrt(mean((UserPred - test_set)^2, na.rm=TRUE))

# Last step: we vary the neighborhood set for the third model to see whether it positively affects the results
RMSE <- rep(NA, times=490)
for(k in 10:499)
{for(i in 1:length(spl1c))
  {UserPred[i,] <- colMeans(Data[spl1[Order[i,1:k]],spl2c], na.rm=TRUE)}
  RMSE[k-10] <- sqrt(mean((UserPred - test_set)^2, na.rm=TRUE))}

Each user is represented through a vector of items (e.g. movie) and the associated rating given to each itme.

Inconsistent number of rating across items

Each items is represented by a vector of attributes.

Tobit model

Week 11

Method Tobit model
Target Number
Model ?
Loss ?
Quality of fit ?
Prediction ?
Comments For left or right censored data
# the Tobit model
model1 <- survreg(Surv(time_in_affairs,
                  data=train, dist="gaussian")
predict1 <- predict(model1,newdata=test) 

# using linear model as baseline
model2 <- lm(time_in_affairs~., data=train)
predict2 <- predict(model2,newdata=test)
table(predict2 <= 0, test$time_in_affairs==0)

This applies to censored target, does this apply to censored parameters as well?

Non-predictive models

These are models that do not produce a prediction. The output, however, can be used as a feature to the predictive models.

Supervised learning versus unsupervised learning Supervised learning. Given a set of predictors ${x_1, …, x_p}$ and an output of ${y}$, we want to find a function $f(x_1, …, x_p) = \hat{y}$ that minimise the error on some metric.

Unsupervised learning. Given a set of features, we want to find “patterns” within the data. Find a group of clusters that minimise the intra-cluster variance and maxisies the inter-cluter vairance.

K-means clustering

Week 10

Method K-means clustering
Target Clusters
Model ?
Loss ?
Quality of fit ?
Prediction Recommendation Systems
Comments ?

Algorithmic Procedure

Initialisation - Given a number of clusters $k$, randomly generate $k$ different means/centroids.

Assign each observation to the cluster whose mean/centroid has the closest Eculidean distance.

Update calculate the new means/centroid, and repeat assignment.

Stop when the assignment does not change.


# execute k-means clustering
# n-start is the number of different starting points
# choose the best clustering from each of the n-start
clusterMovies2 <- kmeans(Data[,1:19], centers=10, nstart=20)

# the loss within each cluster

# the total loss for all the clusters
clusterMovies2$tot.withinss # 7324.78

# Plot loss against k
fit <- c()
for(k in 1:15){
  clusterMovies4 <- kmeans(Data[,1:19], centers=k, nstart=20);
  fit[k] <- clusterMovies4$tot.withinss}

# calculate the average of each feature in the cluster
Cat2 <- matrix(0,nrow=19,ncol=10)
for(i in 1:19){
  Cat2[i,] <- tapply(Data[,i], clusterMovies2$cluster, mean)}
rownames(Cat2) <- colnames(Data)[1:19]

# list the elements in the cluster
subset(Data$title, clusterMovies2$cluster==6)

Hierarchical clustering

Week 10

Method Hierarchical clustering
Target Dendrogram, Clusters
Model ?
Loss ?
Quality of fit ?
Prediction Recommendation Systems
Comments ?

Algorithmic Procedure

Compute the Euclidean distance between each pair. The closest pair forms a cluster and we take the midpoint. The output is a dendrogram (which is a binary tree).

In the visualisation, the distance of the vertical edge represents the distance between adjacent leaves. The horizontal placement and distance do not have a meaning. Unlike K-means clustering, there is no need for any hyperparamter tuning to build a dendrogram.

To create a cluster, we need to select a cutoff distance. Each tree cut by the cutoff is one cluster each. A cluster may only have one leaf, we can this an atomic cluster.

One reason not to use hierarchical clustering - We might have too many observations in the dataset for hierarchical clustering to handle.

You need to do preprocessing to convert the list of genre for each movie into to a binary list.

# compute the distance between every pair
distances <- dist(Data[,1:19], method="euclidean")

# execute hierarchical clustering 
# Ward's distance method is used to find compact clusters.
clusterMovies1 <- hclust(distances, method="ward.D2")

# plot dendrogram

# create 10 clusters (by what criteria? binary search for cutoff?)
clusterGroups1 <- cutree(clusterMovies1, k=10)

# calculate the average of each feature in the cluster
Cat1 <- matrix(0,nrow=19,ncol=10)
for(i in 1:19){
  Cat1[i,] <- tapply(Data[,i], clusterGroups1, mean)}
rownames(Cat1) <- colnames(Data)[1:19]

# list the elements in the cluster
subset(Data$title, clusterGroups1==6)

Text mining

Converts text into number for predictive models.

Read the dataset. Each entry of the dataset is a ‘document’. A corpus is a set of documents


twitter <- read.csv("wk9a-text.csv",stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(twitter$tweet))

Conduct text transformations to simplify the dataset.

# list of text transfomrations

# transformation into lower case
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, function(x) iconv(enc2utf8(x), sub = "byte"))
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, content_transformer(function(x) iconv(enc2utf8(x), sub = "bytes")))
corpus <- tm_map(corpus,content_transformer(tolower))

# remove stop words
corpus <- tm_map(corpus,removeWords,
# remove specific words because they confuse the objective
corpus <- tm_map(corpus,removeWords,

# remove punctuation 
corpus <- tm_map(corpus,removePunctuation)

# stemming words (get root word)
corpus <- tm_map(corpus,stemDocument)

Convert into a document term matrix. This is a freqlist of every document in the corpus.

# convert into freqlist of words this will be a sparse matrix
dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpus)
dim(dtm) # dimensions before removal
dtm <- removeSparseTerms(dtm,0.995)

Transforming into a dataframe to train and test

# converting DTM into dataframe                                            
twittersparse <-

# make sure column names start with a character
colnames(twittersparse) <- make.names(colnames(twittersparse))

# assign labels to dataframe                                            
twittersparse$Neg <- twitter$Neg

Visualise the dataset with a wordcloud.

# plot wordcloud                                
colnames(twittersparse) <- make.names(colnames(twittersparse))
word_freqs = sort(colSums(twittersparse), decreasing=TRUE) 
# Create dataframe with words and their frequencies
dm = data.frame(word=names(word_freqs), freq=unname(word_freqs))
# Plot wordcloud
wordcloud(dm$word, dm$freq, random.order=FALSE, max.words=100, colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"), min.freq=2)

Then carry out your model based on their mdoels.

Singular Value Decomposition

Week 11

Method Singular Value Decomposition
Target ?
Model ?
Loss ?
Quality of fit ?
Prediction NA
Comments For image compression

Review of linear algebra

# define a matrix
A <- matrix(c(2, 2, 3, 1), nrow=2, ncol=2)

# Get eigenvectors and eigenvalues
A_eig <- eigen(A)
A_eig$vectors # these vectors are normalised

Eigen decomposition \(A = V \cdot S \cdot V^{-1}\)

$V$ is a square matrix made up of columns of eigenvectors, and $S$ is a square matrix with its main diagonal made up of eigenvalues is the corresponding order.

# reconstruct the matrix
# (note the operator %*% for the matrix multiplication)
A_eig$vectors %*% diag(A_eig$values) %*% solve(A_eig$vectors)

If $A$ is positive semi definite (eigenvalues of A is non-negative), $V^{-1} = V^T$

Singular Value Decomposition \(\underset{m \times n}{X} = \underset{m \times n}{U} \cdot \underset{n \times n}{S} \cdot \underset{n \times n}{V^{T}}\)

It can be shown that

\[X \cdot X^T = U \cdot S^2 U^T\] \[X^T \cdot X = V \cdot S^2 V^T\]

$U$ contains the $m$ eigenvectors of $X \cdot X^T$ (left singular vectors)

$S$ contains the $n$ square roots of $X \cdot X^T$ eigenvalues (singular values)

$V$ contains the $n$ eigenvectors of $X^{T} \cdot X$ (right singular vectors)

X <- matrix(c(2,1,5,7,0,0,6,0,0,10,
              8,0,7,8,0,6,1,4,5,0), nrow=5, ncol=4)

s <- svd(X) # apply SVD
s$u # U
s$d # S
s$v # V

# reconstruct the matrix
s$u %*% diag(s$d) %*% t(s$v)

When R implements SVD it transforms it into $m > n$. Check the function parameters of svd() for variations.

Approximating a matrix \(\underset{m \times n}{\hat{X}} = \underset{m \times k}{U_k} \cdot \underset{k \times k}{S_k} \cdot \underset{k \times n}{V_k^{T}}\)

# reconstruct a matrix with limited elements
k <- 2  # less than or equal to n
s$u[,1:k] %*% diag(s$d[1:k]) %*% t(s$v[,1:k])

Calculate explained variance Frobenius norm of a matrix $||x||_F$ \(||X||_F = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^m \sum_{j=1}^n x_{i,j}^2}\)

\[\frac{||\hat{X}||_F}{||X||_F} = \frac{\sigma_1^2 + ... + \sigma_k^2} {\sigma_1^2 + \sigma_1^2 + ... + \sigma_n^2}\]
# calculate the explained variance
var <- cumsum(s$d^2)

Image compression with SVD

For grayscale images

# read image
lky <- readJPEG("wk11-gray.jpg")

# grayscale images has same values for all channels
# apply SVD on the image
s <- svd(lky[,,1])

# compress and save the image
k = 10
lky10 <- s$u[,1:k] %*% diag(s$d[1:k]) %*% t(s$v[,1:k]) 

# write image to file

# calculate the explained variance
var <- cumsum(s$d^2)

For colored images

# read image
pansy <- readJPEG("wk11-color.jpg")

# apply SVD on the image
s1 <- svd(pansy[,,1])
s2 <- svd(pansy[,,2])
s3 <- svd(pansy[,,3])

# compress and save the image
k = 50
pansy50 <- array(dim=dim(pansy))
pansy50[,,1] <- s1$u[,1:k] %*% diag(s1$d[1:k]) %*% t(s1$v[,1:k])
pansy50[,,2] <- s2$u[,1:k] %*% diag(s2$d[1:k]) %*% t(s2$v[,1:k])
pansy50[,,3] <- s3$u[,1:k] %*% diag(s3$d[1:k]) %*% t(s3$v[,1:k])

# write image to file

Kaplan-Meier estimator

Not a prediction model, estimate the chances of “occurance” over time just by the results.

An event will happen at a distribution with pdf $f(x)$ and corresponding cdf $F(x)$.

The hazard function is the instantaneous rate of probability the event happening \(\lambda(t) = \frac{f(t)}{1-F(t)} = \frac{f(t)}{S(t)}\) Given the data, you can estimate $S(t) = 1 - F(t)$. \(\hat{S}(t) = \prod_{t_i < t} \frac{n_i-d_i}{n_i}\) $n_i$ is the number of people who have survived until before $t_i$. If $t_i$ are continuous values, $d_i$ will always be one.

km <- survfit(Surv(start,stop,event)~1,data=heart)
# summary of the model, with patients' survival probability 

# plot the Kaplan-Meier curve along with 95% confidence interval

Cox proportional hazard model

This is a prediction model but I put it here. This estimate the chances of occurance over time, now taking into account of some parameters.

Week 11

Method Cox proportional hazard model
Target ?
Model $\lambda(t) = \lambda_0(t) \cdot e^{\beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + …}$
Loss ?
Quality of fit ?
Prediction This is a linear model, with censored values.
Comments ?

An event will happen at a distribution with pdf $f(x)$ and corresponding cdf $F(x)$.

\[\lambda(t) = \lambda_0 \cdot exp(\beta_1 x_1 + ... + \beta)\]
cox <- coxph(Surv(start,stop,event)~age+surgery+transplant,
# plot S(t)

predict(cox, data=heart)