
Manufacturing and Service Operations

Instructors: Shruti and Lingjie

Course Overview

Component Weightage (%)
Class Participation 5
Homework/Activities 20
Group Project 25
Midterms (Simulation) 25
Finals 25

Group project

Inventory Management

Permutations of manufacturing operations

Review of Excel functions

For each model

News Vendor model

This is periodic review

Variables and constants


Decison variable

Opitimal order quantity $Q^*$

Performance measures (for a certain order quantity $Q$)

Identities (for all $Q$)

News Vendor Model with Risk pooling

How is the profit calculated? Example?

Base-stock model

This is continuous review.

Variables and constants


Decision variable

Optimal base-stock level $r^*+1$

Performance measures (for a certain reorder point $r$)

Identities for all $r$

Model design


Economic Order Quantity model

This is continuous review (there is nothing to review actually, the setup is deterministic)

Variables and constants


Decision variable


Optimal order quantity $Q^*$

Performance measures


Extension of EOQ

Economic Production Quantity Model

This is continuous review (there is nothing to review actually, the setup is deterministic)

The same as EOQ, except that production takes time.


Variables and constants


Decision variable

Optimal order quantity $Q^*$

Performance measures (for a certain order quantity $Q$)

(Q,r) model

This is continuous review.

Variables and constants


Decision variable

Optimal decision variables

Performance measures

Identities for all $r$ and $Q$


(Dark green - on-hand inventory, Red - negative of backorder, Orange - outstanding orders, Blue - inventory position)

Discrete Time Markov Chains

A special stochastic process satisfying “Markov/memoryless” (given previous state, the future is independent of the past) & “time-invariant”.

Modeling A System As A DTMC


Draw the transition diagram. Outgoing arrows should add up to one.

Chapman-Kolmogorov Equation

\[[P^k]_{ij} = \sum_{r \in \mathcal{S}} [P^{k-l}]_{rj} [P^l]_{ir}\]

This is because of the time-invariant property.

Reducible and Irreducible DTMC

If it is possible to go from any state $i$ to any state $j$ with at least $k$ step, the DTMC is irreducible with $k$ steps.

Otherwise the DTMC is reducible.

Periodic and aperiodic DTMC

For any state if the probability of revisiting the state is non-zero after $d, 2d, 3d, \cdots$ steps.

A DTMC is aperiodic if $[P]_{ii} > 0$ for some state $i \in \mathcal{S}$ or $d=1$.

Recurrent and transient DTMC

Recurrent: If each state will be revisited sooner or later, the DTMC is recurrent.

Positive recurrent: the expected time to revisit any state is finite.

Null recurrent: If the DTMC is recurrent but not positive recurrent

Transient: If the DTMC is not recurrent.


Limiting Behavior of DTMC

$\pi = a P^{\infty}$

If row vector $\pi$ exists, it is the stationary probability of the DTMC. $a$ is the initial row vector.

If the DTMC is apreiodic, the rows $P^{\infty}$ is made up of is equal to $\pi$.


Average cost models

A cost $C_i$ is incurred for observing state $i$.

The long-run average cost is

$C = \sum_{i \in \mathcal{S}} \pi_i C_i$

Continuous Time Markov Chains

The state can now change at any time.

Mathmatical formulas

Geometric progression

Sum to infinity

$\displaystyle\sum_{k=0}^\infty ar^k = \dfrac{a}{1-r}$

Sum of first n terms

$\displaystyle\sum_{k=0}^n ar^k = \dfrac{a(1-r^{n+1})}{1-r}$

Power identity (for full list refer to MF15 or search on Google)

$1 + 2 \rho + 3 \rho^2 + 4 \rho^3 + \cdots = \dfrac{1}{(1-p)^2}$

Some theorems of CTMC





Modeling A System As A DTMC

Steady state analysis


Cut analysis


Flow in mean rate = flow out mean rate

Rate = $\lambda_{ij} \cdot \pi_i$

Where $\lambda_{ij}$ is the transition rate of state $i$ to state $j$, and $\pi_i$ is the long term probability of the state $i$.



Retrial queue


How is this different from the normal queue

After formulation

$\pi_{0,0} = \left[ (1-\dfrac{\lambda}{\mu})^{\frac{\lambda}{\mu} + 1} \right]$

Average cost analysis

The long run average cost per unit time is

$\sum_{i=0}^k C_i \pi_i$