
Game Theory





Project requirements

Examples of applications of game theory

A strategic game consists of

Taxonomy of game theory problems


Static games of complete information

Static - each player chooses their move simultaneously

Complete information - all game information are common knowledge. Common knowledge is information that known to each party, and that each party knows about the knowledge of the other party and so on.

Simplest game

Beliefs - the belief of the probability distribution of the actions of the other players.

Rationality - the player selects the (possibly mixed) strategy (best response) to maximise their expected payoffs, given their beliefs about the strategies of the other players.

Pure strategy Nash Equilibrium

Types of Nash Equilibrium

Static Games with discrete action space

Static Games with continuous action space

Mixed Strategies in discrete action space

Template to solve Mixed Strategy Problems

Mixed strategy Nash Equilibrium

Symmetric Game

A two player game is symmetric if the players’ sets of actions are the same and the player’s preferences are represented by payoff functions $u_1$ and $u_2$ for which $u_1(a_1, a_2) = u_2(a_2,a_1)$ for every action pair $(a_1, a_2)$.

Symmetric pure-strategy Nash Equilibrium - both players choose the same action. Not all symmetric games contains pure-strategy Nash Equilibrium.

All symmetric games will have at least one symmetric mixed-strategic Nash Equilibrium.

Multi-player symmetric games

Every continuous game has a mixed-strategy Nash Equilibirum

Correlated Equilibrium

Theorem. A correlated equlilbirum exists in all finite games.

Benefits of correlated equilibirum

Correlated equilibirum can be viewed as a randomised assignement of potentially correlated action recommendations to players such that nobody wants to deviate

Example games

Dynamic games of complete information

Dynamic games is described with a game tree with

Solution approaches

Example games

Repeated Games

Discount factor $\delta$

Finite or infinite horizons


Non-forgiving trigger strategy - punishment is involved forever after a single deviation


Static games of incomplete information

Bayesian game must specify the probability distribution of the different types of player.

Bayes-Nash equilibrium (BNE)

A Bayseian game is defined as $G = \left< N, \Omega, p, \left< T_i, A_i, u_i \right>_{i \in N} \right>$

For any finite game $G$ (finite actions and finite actions), BNE always exist (which may be mixed?)

Games with asymetrically complete information

Games with symetrically complete information

Harder to compute because there is no starting point

Interpretation of BNE


Private Value Auctions

Double Auction

Joint Investment

Private Value Auctions on non-uniform distribution

Acquirer Game

Firm A makes a bid $b$ on a firm with hidden value $x$ from from a uniform distibution. The bid is accepted if $b$ is larger than $x$, and the payoff will be $1.5x - b$

What if the payoff is $2.5x - b$

Facility location games