
Stochastic Modelling

This course notes only contain the first half of the half-module.

The instructor had well written notes for second half on Martingale model, which is sufficient for me to depend on.


We are allowed a one page cheatsheet.



Renewal process

Inventory depletion

Renewal-Reward theorem

For a renewal process, if $E[X]$ is the mean time between renewals, we have

$\lim_\limits{t \to \infty} \dfrac{N(t)}{t} = \dfrac{1}{E[X]}$

The number of renewals per unit time is the inverse of the mean time between renewals. (Idea of proof - sample mean converges to true mean, sandwich theorem)

Renewal-Reward theoerm

$\lim_\limits{t \to \infty} \dfrac{R(t)}{t} = \dfrac{E[R]}{E[X]}$

The Renewal theorem is a special case Renewal-Reward theoerm where the reward is one. The rate of reward is the expected reward per arrival multiplied by the rate of arrival.

Optimal machine repair policy

Alternative renewal process

Possion janitor

Poisson processes

If the interarrival times is exponentially distributed with parameter $\lambda$, the renewal process is a Poisson process.

Little’s Law

Long run average of number of customers in the system = arrival rate $\times$ the long run average time spent by each customer in the system

$\overline{N} = \lambda \overline{T}$

Proof of Little’s Theorem (assuming long run averages exist, i.e. queue does not explode infinity)


Regenerative Processes

A stochastic process $X(t), t \in T$ with time-index $T$ is said to be regenerative if there exists a random epoch $S_1$ such that


Long run average cost

$\lim_\limits{t \to \infty} \dfrac{1}{t} \int_0^t f(X(s)) ds = \dfrac{E[R_1]}{E[C_1]}$

The long run average cost is the expected reward from each cycle divided by the length of each cycle.


Steady-state average

$\lim_\limits{t \to \infty} E[f(X(t))]$

Long run average = steady-state average

$\lim_\limits{t \to \infty} P{X(t) \in B } = \dfrac{E[T_B]}{E[C_1]}$

The probability of state being at $B$ is equal to the expected time spent in state $B$ over the expected time of the cycle.


Steady State Simulation

Simulation Theorems

Possion Arrival See Time Average (PASTA)

Inspection paradox

The long-run average waiting time in the M/G/1 queue $E[T_Q]$

PASTA is invoked twice here

Sensitivity analysis

1-server queues

M/G/1 single queue

Excess and Age

M/G/1 with different job types

M/G/1 priority queue

The class $k$ customer needs to wait for

Refer to slides and work them out

Martingales Model

I have mostly referred an annotated
