
The design of business

Instructor - Vivien Koh

As this course is heavily focused on the project, only the content for the quiz is presented.

Course overview

Component Week Percentage
Class Participation   15%
Quiz 11 15%
Individual Paper 13 15%
Mid-Terms Presentation 7 25%
Finals Presentation 13 30%

Group project

Business model

A business model describes the rationale of how an organisation creates, delivers and captures value.

The Business Model Canvas


Importance of the Business Model Canvas

**7 Questions to assess your business model design**

Market Research

Customer Segmentation (unlisted)

Market sizing (session 2, unlisted)

Empathy vs Sympathy (unlisted)

Empathy map (first step of design thinking)

Interviewing Tips (unlisted)

Customer Personas (unlisted)

Customer Journey Map (unlisted)

Design Thinking

(2-3 questions, I don’t know how to summarise)

Design Thinking

BMC Innovation

Value Proposition Canvas

Business Model Innovation - Five Epicenters

Archetype of Business Models

Blue/Red Ocean Strategies

Red Ocean Blue Ocean
Compete in existing market place Create uncontested market space
Beat the competition Make the competition irrelevant
Exploit existing demand Create and capture new demand
Make the value-cost trade-off Break the value-cost trade-off
Align firm with choice of differentiation or low cost Align firm in pursuit of differentiation and low cost


(I don’t know how to summarise)

Purpose of prototyping - concretising idea


Validate, Analyse and Test the business model

Document your assumptions and test them

Cognitive Biases (unlisted)


Jay Galbraith’s Star model (unlisted)

Change management


(2 questions)

Speaker - Anthony Ho, Regional Brand Partnerships - Electronics

Statistics of Shopee

Three types of sellers

Brand Partnerships

Brand activations

Operation Management (Supply chain)

Joint business planning


Why it is important to work on as-is BMC

Scenario options and ask you what building block is it

Reasons for teams that didnt work well