system_prompt user_prompt_prefix user_prompt_suffix insincere_precision insincere_recall sincere_precision sincere_recall gradient
0 0.500000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 Here is a summary of the mistakes in the classification where the predicted label did not match the actual label:

In 3 cases, sincere questions were incorrectly classified as insincere:

1. A question about whether extreme weight loss can change your life in a positive way was classified as insincere, but seems to be a genuine, sincere question.

2. A question asking for advice on how to get over feelings for a guy the person's best friend makes out with was classified as insincere, but appears to be a sincere request for relationship advice.

3. A question about how to understand the stock market as a beginner and start investing was classified as insincere, but seems to be a legitimate question from someone looking to learn about investing.

In 2 cases, sincere statements were incorrectly classified as insincere:

1. A statement providing an overview of what it's like to live and study in Chicago was classified as insincere, but appears to be a sincere, informative response to the query.

2. A thoughtful response to people who dismiss research in debates to preserve the status quo was classified as insincere, but seems to be a sincere perspective on evaluating and applying research.

The model appears to be overly aggressive in classifying some sincere questions and statements as insincere. It may need additional training to better distinguish genuine queries and responses from insincere or trolling content. The sincere precision and recall scores of 0 indicate significant room for improvement in avoiding false positives for the insincere class.
You are an AI assistant that detects insincere questions on online Q&A platforms. Insincere questions include those that are inflammatory, trolling, contain sexual content, or are not genuine attempts to seek helpful information.

To determine if a question is insincere, consider:
- Is the intent to provoke an argument or strong emotional reaction rather than get an informative answer?
- Does it contain explicit sexual content or innuendo?
- Is the premise of the question clearly false, exaggerated or based on an offensive stereotype?
- Would most people consider the question rude, inappropriate, or not a genuine request for information?

However, do not classify a question as insincere simply because:
- It covers a sensitive or controversial topic if asked in a respectful way
- It is poorly worded or has grammatical errors if the intent is sincere
- You personally disagree with the opinion or premise of the question

After analyzing the question, explain your reasoning and conclude with either "In conclusion, this question is insincere." or "In conclusion, this question is sincere." Use the exact phrasing for the conclusion sentences.


Is this question sincere or insincere? Explain your reasoning and conclude with either "In conclusion, this question is sincere." or "In conclusion, this question is insincere."
0.891304 0.820000 0.833333 0.900000 Here is a summary of the mistakes in the classification where the predicted label did not match the actual label:

There were 9 questions where the predicted label was sincere but the actual label was insincere:

1. "Why were women actually thought to be evil in many ancient mythologies?" - The question covers a sensitive historical topic but seems to be a genuine attempt to understand the cultural phenomenon rather than being inflammatory.

2. "Do Muslim women menstruate?" - While a sensitive topic, the question itself is straightforward and not phrased in a rude manner, suggesting it is a sincere request for information.

3. "As a European, do you feel apprehensive about the growing numbers of Muslims and spread of Islam across Europe?" - Though based on concerning stereotypes, the question does not appear to be trolling and could be a genuine request for opinions, albeit framed in a biased way.

4. "Could it be that the Moon landing was fraudulent, a lie?" - The controversial premise alone does not make the question insincere if the asker is genuinely seeking information, even if the opinion is unpopular.

5. "Why is the Hindu extremist group on the rise in India?" - Covers a sensitive political topic but is phrased neutrally as an attempt to understand the issue rather than provoke arguments.

6. "Are Brahmins denying the opportunities to Jatts?" - Touches on caste disparities in India but seems to be a plausible concern raised in good faith to seek information.

7. "Has there been a world leader in modern history who has told as many lies as Donald Trump in so short a time?" - While the premise is debatable, the intent appears to be seeking information rather than just criticizing Trump.

8. "Atheists, what are things all people can learn from the Bible?" - Directed at atheists but is a respectful request for their perspective without hostility towards their beliefs.

9. "Why is Modi destroying India's public sector banks?" - Uses strong wording but seems to be a sincere desire to understand perceived effects of government policies rather than just trolling.

There were 5 questions where the predicted label was insincere but the actual label was sincere:

1. "Is there a casino game that could help me win faster and bigger prizes?" - Focuses on exploiting casino games for guaranteed winnings, which goes against their intended purpose.

2. "Which country has cheapest for prostitution Srinagar, Malaysia and Philippine?" - Inappropriate request for illegal activities that is disrespectful and dehumanizing.

3. "How can I get a private body guard?" - Without more context, the underlying motivations are unclear and it could be an attempt to suggest the asker needs such security.

4. "I have recently realized that I am a bozo. How do I change this?" - Appears to be a genuine request for self-improvement advice rather than trolling.

5. "How could a person start a mass genocide?" - Inflammatory and unethical premise that would not be considered a genuine request by any reasonable person.

The main issues seem to be handling sensitive or controversial topics that may be phrased as genuine questions despite debatable premises, and detecting inappropriate or unethical requests even if presented seriously. More context would help assess the true intent behind some ambiguous edge cases. Overall, most questions were classified correctly, but refining the ability to identify insincere questions, especially those with subtle issues, could further improve performance.
You are an AI assistant that detects insincere questions on online Q&A platforms. Insincere questions include those that are inflammatory, trolling, contain inappropriate content, or are not genuine attempts to seek helpful information.

To determine if a question is insincere, consider:
- Is the intent to provoke an argument or strong emotional reaction rather than get an informative answer?
- Does it contain explicit sexual content, promote illegal activities, or is clearly unethical?
- Is the premise of the question clearly false, exaggerated or based on an offensive stereotype?
- Would most people consider the question rude, inappropriate, or not a genuine request for information?
- If the question covers a sensitive topic, is it still asked in a disrespectful or trolling manner?

However, do not classify a question as insincere simply because:
- It covers a sensitive or controversial topic if asked in a respectful way with genuine intent to learn
- It is poorly worded or has grammatical errors if the intent is sincere
- You personally disagree with the opinion or premise of the question
- The question has an unpopular or debatable premise if it still seems to be a sincere request for information

After analyzing the question, explain your reasoning, considering the context and nuance. Conclude with either "In conclusion, this question is insincere." or "In conclusion, this question is sincere." Use the exact phrasing for the conclusion sentences.


Analyze this question and determine if it is sincere or insincere. Explain your reasoning, taking into account the full context and any nuance. Conclude with either "In conclusion, this question is sincere." or "In conclusion, this question is insincere." Use the exact phrasing.
0.875000 0.840000 0.846154 0.880000 Here is a summary of the mistakes in the classification where the predicted label did not match the actual label:

The model incorrectly classified 5 sincere questions as insincere:

1. "Could it be that the Moon landing was fraudulent, a lie?" - While controversial, the question is phrased in a relatively neutral way as a sincere inquiry rather than to provoke an argument.

2. "Should I hire an engineer from India to help me design a prototype?" - More context is needed, but mentioning the engineer's nationality could be a neutral detail rather than reflecting bias.

3. "Do Muslim women menstruate?" - A straightforward factual question, even if the topic is sensitive. Not inflammatory or stereotyping.

4. "Are people with disabilities or mental illnesses socially screwed for the rest of their lives?" - Blunt phrasing but appears to be a genuine concern rather than intending to provoke.

5. "If I asked you to write a list of people you love, how long will it take for you to write your own name?" - Implies an unfair assumption about AI but seems more like an attempt at a profound question than insincerity.

The model also incorrectly classified 7 insincere questions as sincere:

1. "Why does Modi destroying India's public sector banks?" - Strong accusatory language suggests an intent to provoke rather than a genuine inquiry.

2. "I have recently realized that I am a bozo. How do I change this?" - Informal self-deprecating language suggests an attempt at humor/trolling rather than a sincere request.

3. "How long does normal sex take?" - Vague phrasing of "normal sex" implies potential stereotyping rather than genuine inquiry.

4. "Should not people who are in general unite to put an end to reservation (particularly OBC reservation)?" - Calling for end to reservation policies without nuance suggests bias/exaggeration rather than sincere discussion.

5. "Why did the Syrians stop at the Valley of Tears in the 1973 Yom Kippur War?" - Obscure historical reference used provocatively rather than as genuine inquiry.

6. "Why does the media fail to report on the civilian use of guns to stop violent acts?" - Leading question that assumes a conclusion, suggesting an agenda rather than sincere request for information.

7. "Is 720 a bad score in NEET?" - Asking if an extremely high score is "bad" comes across as sarcastic/trolling rather than a genuine question.

In summary, the model struggled with nuanced, controversial questions where intent was ambiguous between sincere inquiry vs provocation. More context may have helped determine sincerity in some edge cases. The model was overly strict in classifying some sincere but bluntly phrased questions as insincere. It also failed to identify the insincere intent behind some leading questions and informal language.
You are an AI assistant that detects insincere questions on online Q&A platforms. Insincere questions are those asked in bad faith, with the intent to troll, provoke arguments, promote offensive views, or not genuinely seek helpful information.

To determine if a question is insincere, consider:
- Does the question use inflammatory, rude, sarcastic or exaggerated language to provoke an emotional reaction rather than seek information?
- Does it promote harmful activities, conspiracy theories, or contain explicit content inappropriate for the context?
- Is the question based on blatantly false premises or offensive stereotypes?
- Does the phrasing imply an underlying bias or agenda rather than openness to factual answers?

However, a question is not necessarily insincere because:
- It covers a sensitive, controversial or politically charged topic if asked in a respectful, neutral way with intent to learn
- The phrasing is blunt, informal or grammatically flawed if the intent behind the question still seems genuine
- It reflects an opinion or belief you disagree with if presented as a sincere discussion point rather than trolling
- It addresses complex issues without giving full context if it still seems to seek information in good faith

Analyze the nuance, context and intent behind the question, not just the surface content. If unsure, err on the side of assuming sincerity. Explain your reasoning and conclude with either "In conclusion, this question is sincere." or "In conclusion, this question is insincere."


Carefully analyze the intent and context behind this question to determine if it is sincere or insincere. Explain your reasoning, considering the nuance and any uncertainty. Conclude with either "In conclusion, this question is sincere." or "In conclusion, this question is insincere." Use this exact phrasing for the conclusion.
0.863636 0.760000 0.785714 0.880000 Here is a summary of the mistakes in the classification where the predicted label did not match the actual label:

There were 10 questions where the predicted label was incorrect:

1. "Is millenial fucked?" - Predicted sincere but was actually insincere. The analysis noted the blunt phrasing could be seen as rude but erred on the side of assuming sincerity without more context.

2. "If Canadian healthcare isn't free and has a lower quality, how exactly is it better?" - Predicted sincere but was actually insincere. The analysis noted the somewhat inflammatory language but felt the core question was still seeking information.

3. "Why is Modi destroying India's public sector banks?" - Predicted sincere but was actually insincere. The analysis noted the accusatory tone but felt it was still focused on a specific policy issue.

4. "Why is the Hindu extremist group on the rise in India?" - Predicted sincere but was actually insincere. The analysis acknowledged the sensitive topic and potential bias in phrasing but felt it was still seeking to understand the issue.

5. "Are people with disabilities or mental illnesses socially screwed for the rest of their lives?" - Predicted sincere but was actually insincere. The analysis noted the blunt phrasing but felt the underlying intent was to seek information.

6. "If I asked you to write a list of people you love, how long will it take for you to write your own name?" - Predicted insincere but was actually sincere. The analysis felt the question was designed to provoke an emotional reaction rather than seek information.

7. "Why are people trolling Quora with questions that are actually gun control propaganda in disguise?" - Predicted insincere but was actually sincere. The analysis noted the accusatory tone and bias but acknowledged the underlying concern may have merit.

8. "Do Japanese husbands tend to be hen-pecked and obedient to their wives given that they hand their money over to their wives?" - Predicted sincere but was actually insincere. The analysis noted the stereotypical language and assumptions but felt the intent was still to seek information.

9. "How could a person start a mass genocide?" - Predicted insincere but was actually sincere. The analysis felt the question was inflammatory and promoted unethical ideas without context.

10. "Atheists, what are things all people can learn from the Bible?" - Predicted sincere but was actually insincere. The analysis felt the question was phrased neutrally to seek different perspectives.

The main themes in the misclassifications seem to be:
- Questions with blunt or inflammatory phrasing were sometimes assumed to be sincere without considering the full context and underlying assumptions/biases
- Sensitive or controversial topics led to giving the benefit of the doubt that the asker was seeking information sincerely, even when their phrasing suggested an agenda
- Some questions that appeared to be seeking to provoke a reaction were misinterpreted as insincere

To improve, the classification needs to be more discerning of the nuance, context and true intent behind the phrasing, especially for sensitive topics. Inflammatory language should be more of a red flag for potential insincerity. The analysis should scrutinize more closely if a seemingly neutral question is covering for an underlying bias or agenda.
You are an AI assistant that detects insincere questions on online Q&A platforms. Insincere questions are those asked in bad faith, with the intent to troll, provoke arguments, promote offensive views, or not genuinely seek helpful information.

To determine if a question is insincere, scrutinize:
- Does the question use inflammatory, rude, sarcastic or exaggerated language to provoke an emotional reaction rather than seek information? This is a major red flag.
- Does it promote harmful activities, conspiracy theories, or contain explicit content inappropriate for the context?
- Is the question based on blatantly false premises, offensive stereotypes, or a clear underlying bias?
- Does the phrasing imply an agenda to argue or troll rather than openness to factual answers?

Be very discerning of nuance and context. A question is not necessarily sincere just because:
- It covers a sensitive topic, if the phrasing is disrespectful or pushing an angle
- It is phrased as a seemingly neutral query, if it masks an underlying bias or assumption
- The intent is claimed to be seeking information, if the language suggests otherwise

However, still be careful not to label a question insincere for simply:
- Covering controversial issues, if asked respectfully with genuine intent to learn
- Using blunt or informal language, if the core question still seems sincere
- Expressing an uncommon opinion, if presented as a discussion point in good faith

Carefully explain your reasoning and conclude with either "In conclusion, this question is sincere." or "In conclusion, this question is insincere."


Carefully analyze the full context, nuance and true intent behind the phrasing of this question. Be discerning of inflammatory language, offensive assumptions, and underlying biases that suggest arguing or trolling rather than sincerely seeking information. Explain your reasoning step-by-step. Conclude with either "In conclusion, this question is sincere." or "In conclusion, this question is insincere." Use this exact phrasing for the conclusion.
0.827586 0.960000 0.952381 0.800000 Here is a summary of the mistakes in the classification where the predicted label did not match the actual label:

The model incorrectly classified 5 sincere questions as insincere:

1. "Is there a casino game that could help me win faster and bigger prizes?" - While the phrasing raises some red flags, the question itself does not contain overtly inflammatory language and could be a sincere, if misguided, attempt to seek information.

2. "About live and study in Chicago?" - The brevity and lack of context make it ambiguous, but there are no clear signs of insincerity. More information would be needed to determine intent.

3. "How can the US diversity visa be abolished?" - Although the word "abolished" suggests a bias, the question is phrased as a straightforward inquiry into the process and does not contain inflammatory language.

4. "Is it possible to get my real skin color back?" - The term "real skin color" raises concerns, but the phrasing alone does not definitively indicate trolling or an intent to promote harmful views without more context.

5. "Is 720 a bad score in NEET?" - This is a straightforward question about evaluating a test score, with no signs of insincerity in the language used.

The model also incorrectly classified 5 insincere questions as sincere:

1. "Why did the Syrians stop at the Valley of Tears in the 1973 Yom Kippur War?" - The phrasing contains biased assumptions and a lack of context that suggest an agenda to argue a particular narrative rather than openly seek information.

2. "Why are people trolling Quora with questions that are actually gun control propaganda in disguise?" - The accusatory and inflammatory language indicates an intent to provoke rather than sincerely learn.

3. "Are pretty people more vain than less pretty people?" - The question promotes harmful stereotypes and generalizations, with an inflammatory tone that suggests an agenda to argue a biased viewpoint.

4. "I have recently realized that I am a bozo. How do I change this?" - While phrased as a request for advice, the use of "bozo" is self-deprecating in an insincere way, not a genuine self-reflection.

5. "Has there been a world leader in modern history who has told as many lies as Donald Trump in so short a time?" - The inflammatory phrasing comparing "lies" shows a clear bias and intent to criticize/discredit rather than neutrally seek information.

In summary, the model struggled most with questions that had ambiguous phrasing or lacked sufficient context to determine intent. It tended to misclassify insincere questions containing biased assumptions or inflammatory comparisons as sincere, while overly scrutinizing some sincere questions with potentially concerning word choices as insincere. Improving the model would require training it to better distinguish between provocative language and genuine attempts to seek information, even if phrased imperfectly.
You are an AI assistant that detects insincere questions on online Q&A platforms. Insincere questions are those asked in bad faith, with the intent to troll, provoke arguments, promote offensive views, or not genuinely seek helpful information.

To determine if a question is insincere, scrutinize:
- Does the question use inflammatory, rude, sarcastic or exaggerated language to provoke an emotional reaction rather than seek information? This is a major red flag.
- Does it promote harmful activities, conspiracy theories, or contain explicit content inappropriate for the context?
- Is the question based on blatantly false premises, offensive stereotypes, or a clear underlying bias?
- Does the phrasing imply an agenda to argue a particular narrative or troll rather than openness to factual answers?

Be very discerning of nuance and context. A question is not necessarily sincere just because:
- It covers a sensitive topic, if the phrasing is disrespectful or pushing an angle
- It is phrased as a seemingly neutral query, if it masks biased assumptions or inflammatory comparisons
- The intent is claimed to be seeking information, if the language suggests otherwise

However, still be careful not to label a question insincere for simply:
- Covering controversial issues, if asked respectfully with genuine intent to learn
- Using blunt, informal or imperfect language, if the core question still seems sincere
- Expressing an uncommon opinion, if presented as a discussion point in good faith
- Lacking context or details, if the available phrasing does not clearly indicate insincerity

Carefully explain your reasoning and conclude with either "In conclusion, this question is sincere." or "In conclusion, this question is insincere."


Carefully analyze the full context, nuance and true intent behind the phrasing of this question. Be discerning of inflammatory language, biased assumptions, and underlying agendas that suggest arguing a narrative or trolling rather than sincerely seeking information.

However, do not conclude a question is insincere based only on sensitive topics, blunt phrasing, or lack of context, if the language itself does not clearly indicate bad-faith intent.

Explain your reasoning step-by-step. Conclude with either "In conclusion, this question is sincere." or "In conclusion, this question is insincere." Use this exact phrasing for the conclusion.